Want to have more energy and vitality but have a limited amount of time that you can dedicate to cleansing? A weekend might be all you have or all you are willing to take at this time. So let’s make the most of it…the Weekend Jumpstart is the perfect game plan for you. Let’s set you up for long term success by starting with a short, intentional kickstarter.

Studies have shown that toxins weaken our body’s ability to burn fat and also cause disease. If you have lost weight and gained it back again over and over, are battling a health concern or just need a quick pick-me up aiming for increased energy and vitality, then participating in this Weekend Jumpstart will do just that!

Benefits of this Jumpstart:

  • Start the process of ridding the body of toxic build-up
  • Jumpstart your weight loss
  • Feel lighter and reduce bloating
  • Gain energy
  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Have more mental clarity
  • Burn fat but retain muscle mass

You’ll receive:

  • Complete guidelines with smoothie recipes and dinner options
  • Daily instructions on meal planning and lifestyle improvements
  • 15 minute phone consultation with an Integrative Nutrition Coach

We will begin with a ‘preparation’ period to get you prepared mentally and physically. The process begins on Monday, April 17, 2017. During the next few days, you’ll gradually shift away from the foods that are typically difficult to digest and are allergenic, acidic or addictive. Emphasis will be placed on nourishing, detoxifying whole foods. You are encouraged to modify your diet by eliminating or cutting back on caffeine, sugar, dairy, meat, gluten and alcohol.


The Jumpstart is designed to be done over a weekend, beginning on Friday evening, April 21, 2017 and ‘breaking fast’ on Monday morning, April 24, 2017. You will be required to use the Shaklee Life Shake for your breakfast and lunch and will be allowed snacks and a healthy dinner each evening. I am hoping that you treat this weekend like a spa retreat! Eat clean, rest, relax, rejuvenate and bring awareness to your body.

After you have completed the Weekend Jumpstart, you are asked to check in with Alyson via email and complete a short survey as to your results. You will also continue to use the Shaklee Essentials Plan for the entire month and have another check-in in 30 days.

You are also required to order the following Shaklee product plan so that your body is performing at optimum capacity during the Jumpstart:

The Shaklee Essentials Plan covers your basic nutritional needs by combining the Shaklee Life Energizing Shake, Vita-Lea® and OmegaGuard®. It also contains 23 essential vitamins and minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and 15 servings of protein to support your optimal health during the jumpstart and beyond.

Full product ordering information will be provided at time of registration. Approximate cost = $76.45 plus S&H.

PLEASE NOTE: The reduction in the investment for the Cleanse to $29 allows you to purchase the required plan since I believe the introduction of the protein powder and the supplements is necessary for an optimal experience!