Natural Solutions

I am passionate about food, it’s obvious by the amazing pictures all over my site.  Nothing gets me going like a delicious breakfast smoothie or a colorful quinoa salad filled with superfoods. And I especially love when my clients get into the kitchen more often and cook real, nutrient dense foods.

But I do know two things… not everyone is inclined to cook all the time like I do, and if they were, we can not get everything we need from our food supply today even if we ate all organic and really healthy. Much of the food grown in American soils have been depleted of nutrients and much of our intake from the Standard American diet is highly processed foods and/or sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and even genetically modified, and are basically empty calories with not much nutritional value. (If you want more statistics, check out this video!)

So where does that leave us? Don’t get me wrong, I encourage home cooking and our right to choose fresh, unprocessed ingredients for our family. But I’ve learned that we need to fill in the nutritional gaps with supplementation in order to be optimally healthy.

That led me on a search for a simple, science backed, pure multivitamin to fill in the those gaps that I saw my clients were deficient in. And I was introduced to a company that has the same beliefs as I do. The Shaklee Corporation, founded over 65 years ago, believes that nature holds the key to a long and productive life.

The founder, Dr. Forrest Shaklee believed in living in harmony with nature.  And in 1915 (over 100 years ago), he invented the first multi-vitamin in the US. And today, the Shaklee Corporation has a complete line of pure, potent, powerful and clinically proven products that I highly recommend.

By using pure and potent ingredients and the foremost scientific research, the Corporation formulates nutrition products that are truly life-enhancing. And they are backed by more than 100 patents and patents-pending.

Supplementation is increasingly becoming an essential health-booster that can help to fill in those gaps, protect your body and enhance it in moving you towards optimal health. My favorite starting point is  strip of vitamins (pictured to the right), the Shaklee Vitalizer® multivitamin.  It contains over 80 bio-optimized vitamins, nutrients, enzymes and even a probiotic, everything you need to make sure you get your RDA’s. (And even if you wanted to, I don’t think you could eat 17 bananas in one day to get that amount of Vitamin B6 or drink 8 glasses of milk to get the Vitamin D you need.)

I was pretty healthy and eating all the right things, but after only one week on the Vitalizer®  strip,  I felt so incredible I couldn’t believe it! But don’t take my word for it, there is a 100% unconditional money-back guarantee if you don’t feel better after 30 days!

Please learn more about my favorite multi-vitamin here

And if you are unsure of what vitamins you might need, then I’d like to offer you – personalized nutrition. Shaklee has created Me+ology™ – a product that is made just for YOU, not someone like you, to meet your individual needs. It takes the guess work out of choosing the right nutrition supplements, provides a truly precise, personalized plan and meets ALL your individual needs based on your goals, your lifestyle, your family history, age, and so much more.

Me+ology™ is not only more precise, it is also more powerful, and this is because of its recommendation engine. Me+ology™ can recommend more than 110 million possible product combinations, but it recommends only one solution for you and your unique needs.

This is another great place to start, especially if you have targeted health concerns such as high cholesterol or blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, obesity etc. It is simply done with a free assessment that gathers the details that make you and your nutrition needs unique.

Please go here and take this 5 minute assessment and make sure to check the box that shares the results with me because I am happy to meet with you and review them.

Of course, I’d love for you to also take a look at my entire Shaklee website. There might be many products that you are presently using that just by changing brands, it could save your life.

Besides healthy nutrition, the other products concentrate on weight management, sports nutrition, beauty/skin care and green home cleaners.

You might see something else that fits you or your family’s needs.
And I am here to answer all your questions.

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