These past few months have been rough for many. Colds, covid, flu, RSV… especially if you have kids and grandkids, every event feels like a superspreader!

Since we all still need to do life, let’s talk about how to build a stronger immune system through nutrition. Because what you eat really does play a crucial role in supporting your body’s defense mechanisms and in turn, your overall well-being.

Here are some key nutrients and strategies to fortify your immune system:

Vitamin C for Immune Resilience:

Citrus fruits, bell peppers, strawberries, and broccoli are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that supports immune cell function. Add them to your grocery list. If you struggle with getting in your veggies and fruits, you might want to consider a vitamin C supplement. This chewable gets you an easy dose.

Zinc for Immune Function:

Include zinc-rich foods like lean meats, poultry, beans, nuts, and seeds to support your immune system. Again, if you feel like you’re not getting through these foods in your diet, consider a zinc supplement.

Vitamin D for Immune Regulation:

People who lack vitamin D tend to get sicker more easily and they often complain about fatigue and headaches too. Sunlight is obviously the first choice – try to walk outside for just 15 minutes a day (your body will also love the steps!). Also, fish like sardines, salmon and tuna are great sources of vitamin D. Can you incorporate some of these in to your lunch? A lot of people think they’re getting enough vitamin D through fortified milk but it’s really not enough – I’ve had lots of clients who drink milk and they’re surprised when their blood tests come back low in vitamin D. If you need to supplement, this is the one I recommend.

Probiotics for Gut Health:

Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods provide beneficial probiotics that contribute to a healthy gut, a key player in immune function. If you don’t eat dairy or don’t like fermented foods, this raspberry elixir is a super easy way to take care of that.

Antioxidant-Rich Foods:

Berries, leafy greens, and colorful vegetables are packed with antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress and support overall health. Think smoothies for breakfast and how you can add more colorful sides to each dinnertime meal.

Hydration for Immune Support:

Water is essential for proper immune function. Stay hydrated to ensure optimal functioning of immune cells. Find a water bottle that is not only practical that you actually love to drink out of – if you enjoy looking at it and carrying it, you’ll more likely to use it.

Balanced Nutrition for Overall Health:

A well-rounded diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats and provide the essential nutrients for overall health and immune support really is key.

I really do encourage you to try the 20-min challenge above. When you do it, notice how much time and stress that twenty mins of prep saves you during the workweek. If you’re consistent with habits like this, your immunity will thank you!

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