Let’s tackle a common challenge—finding the time to integrate exercise into a busy lifestyle.

A hectic schedule doesn’t have to be a roadblock to staying active. In fact, regular exercise can be a powerful tool for managing stress and boosting overall well-being.

Here are some practical tips to help you weave physical activity seamlessly into your busy day:

Micro Workouts:

Break your workout into short, focused bursts throughout the day—whether it’s a 10-minute brisk walk, a set of squats in the kitchen or a quick stretch while you’re waiting for your coffee to be done.


Sneak in exercises at your desk, such as seated leg lifts, desk push-ups, or stretching to keep your body engaged. If your day includes lots of phone calls, consider stepping away from your desk and pacing around your home or office while you take calls.

Stairs over Elevators:

Opt for stairs whenever possible. It’s an easy way to incorporate cardio into your routine without needing extra time.

Active Commuting:

If feasible, consider walking or cycling to work or to a local store. It’s an efficient way to combine exercise with your daily commute. Going to Target? Consider parking at the other side of the parking lot – less cars and extra steps for you!




Schedule It:

Treat your workout like any other appointment. Create a block of time on your calendar, and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine.

Choose Enjoyable Activities:

Pick exercises you genuinely enjoy. For some it’s dancing. For others, it’s hiking or playing a sport. Making it fun increases the likelihood of sticking with it.

Involve Others:

Exercise with friends or family. Not only does it add a social aspect, but it also holds you accountable. If you have small children, make it in to a game.

Multitask Mindfully:

Combine exercise with activities you enjoy, like listening to podcasts, audiobooks, or catching up on your favorite TV shows during a workout.

How to Incorporate Exercise in to a Busy Lifestyle

I’d love to hear about your journey to making exercise a seamless part of your busy life!

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