My Favorite Gourd

My Favorite Gourd

Fall is here and the bounty of summer vegetable gardens is coming to an end. But I’ve had an abundant amount of zucchini this year (my tomatoes were not as prolific…) so I wanted to share a bit about the heath and nutritional benefits of this delicious member of the...
The Benefits of Fermented Foods

The Benefits of Fermented Foods

Humans have been fermenting food as a means of preserving it for centuries. Today, we can enjoy the fermented delicacies that originated in many countries: miso from Japan, Chinese kombucha, Korean kimchi, Labneh –  the thick, tangy Middle Eastern yogurt cheese,...
5 Warm Smoothies to Try this Winter

5 Warm Smoothies to Try this Winter

With snow falling and colder temps making everyone grab warm mugs, I wanted to share my favorite warm smoothies. Just like regular smoothies, these are great for sipping in front of the fireplace, as well as on the way to work/school/errands/life. “What’s a warm...